Home For Educators Moodle Educators – How to force a language in activities

Moodle Educators – How to force a language in activities

Moodle Educators – How to force a language in activities
Moodle Educators - How to force a language in activities

Moodle – world’s most popular open source Learning management System (LMS) has got a brand new version released recently. The Moodle 4.1 version (which is an LTS version) is packed with new features and enhancements to make your life as educators more easier than ever. In this post we will have a look at one of the new features of Moodle 4.1 which will help you to force a language in the course activities.

The Moodle 4.1 version is mainly focused on improving the User Experience which includes improvements in Database, Gradebook and other areas. There is one small but very handy new feature added in Moodle 4.1 which allows you to force the Activity Language.

In earlier Moodle versions, there was a setting to force the language on course level. But based on the forum discussion, it was suggested to have this setting available at activity level also. You can check out the whole discussion in this forum thread.

The use case for this special setting might be in language teaching courses where you are teaching Language A to a group of persons who belong to Language B. To get started you can set the course language to Language B and as they start learning about new language, you can use the Force Language at activity level.

In order to use this new feature, you must have another language pack installed on your Moodle portal. Then, when you start adding an activity in the Edit Mode, under Common Module Settings section, you will see a field for Force Language.

Have you started planning to upgrade your site to Moodle 4.1 version? What are the new features which makes you excited? Please let us know in the comments section below.


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