Tuesday, September 17, 2024
HomeForEducatorsAdd Students consent form in your Moodle course to stay compliant

Add Students consent form in your Moodle course to stay compliant


If you’re an educator or administrator using Moodle, you know that obtaining consent forms from students and parents is an important part of the process. The Moodle Consent Form plugin is a tool that can help you streamline this process and make it more efficient. This plugin allows you to create and manage consent forms directly within Moodle course.

One of the key benefits of the Moodle Consent Form Plugin is that it helps you to comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR. The plugin allows you to collect and store student’s consent information in a secure and compliant manner in Moodle course.

Based on the consent given by the students, you can also restrict the course activities or resources. Participants who have rejected or not yet agreed to the consent form will see a notification below the dependent course modules which explains that they will be available as soon as the consent form is agreed to. Once they agree to the consent form, the restricted activities will be available for the students to participate.

Here are some examples of consent forms that can be created with the Consent form Moodle plugin:

  • For the use of personal data.
  • For participation in research.
  • For the use of images or videos.

You can download the Consent Form Moodle plugin from the official Moodle plugins repository here. The plugin is recently updated for Moodle 4.2 compatible version.

What are the other useful Moodle plugins you are using? Please share with us in the comments section below.

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How to use Moodle Book

Jaswinder Singh
Jaswinder Singhhttps://lmsdaily.com
I am an experienced Moodle Professional with experience in Moodle Course Creation, Moodle Setup, Moodle Integration, Moodle Training, Moodle Support & troubleshooting. YI am the author of popular books - "How to use Moodle 4.1" and "how to use Moodle 2.7". I work with one goal in mind “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” – whether this means working to achieve results within a specific deadline (or beating the deadline), or with a focus on solid quality, if my client requires the job to be done I will go out of my way to achieving whatever it is that is necessary to do so. Basically, I can take care of your all Moodle requirements so that you can focus on your core job and I will manage your Moodle LMS.


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