Home For Administrators What are Custom Reports in Moodle? Check out how to get started?

What are Custom Reports in Moodle? Check out how to get started?

What are Custom Reports in Moodle? Check out how to get started?
What are Custom Reports in Moodle? Check out how to get started?

Moodle LMS is world’s most popular open source learning management system. It is used by more than 365+ million users around the world. With so many exciting features, it also allows you to extract customized reports out the Moodle LMS. In this post we will see what are Custom Reports in Moodle and how you can use them.

Custom reports allow administrators and educators to extract specific data from their Moodle installation and gain valuable insights into student progress, course performance, and more. These reports can range from simple overviews to complex analyses, depending on your requirements. Whether you need to track student engagement, evaluate course completion rates, or identify areas for improvement, custom reports empower you with the necessary information to make data-driven decisions.

Creating Custom Reports in Moodle:

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started with Custom Reports in Moodle:

  • Define your reporting goals: Begin by clearly defining the purpose of your custom report. What data do you need? What insights are you looking to gain? Establishing clear goals will help guide you throughout the report creation process.
  • Access the report builder through Site Administration > Reports > Custom Reports.
  • Click new Report to add a new report, give it a name and select your source – whether you want to report on courses, a cohort or specified users. Click Save.
  • Depending on your source, you will be presented with columns relevant to the data you want.
  • Remove any columns you don’t want and add columns which you do want.
  • You can also customize your report from Conditions, Filters, Sorting and Card view on the right.
  • Preview your report by clicking the Preview button top right.

How to give access to users to the Custom reports:

Once you have created a report as Site Administrator, you can choose which roles will be able to access the reports.

  • From Audience you can select a system role, cohort or manually selected users by clicking the + against who you want and then saving your choice.
  • Once chosen, You can check the actual users from the Access tab.

How to schedule the Custom Reports delivery?

The Custom reports can be delivered through email to the specified users. You can define the schedule for Custom reports delivery through Schedules tab by:

  • Click New schedule;
  • Give it a name and choose its format ( .csv by default);
  • Decide when the report will first be sent out and how often to send it.
  • The audience will already be selected if you have defined your audience.
  • If desired, you can add a message to the recipients.
  • In Advanced, decide what to do if there is nothing to report.

What are the data sources available for Custom Report:

As on with Moodle 4.2 version, the following data sources are available to be used as data sources for custom reports:

  • Badges
  • Blogs
  • Cohorts
  • Comments (New in 4.2)
  • Course participants
  • Courses
  • Files
  • Groups
  • Notes
  • Tags
  • Task logs
  • Users
  • User badges (New in 4.2)

The Custom reports in Moodle can be a powerful reporting and analysis tool for administrators and educators with valuable insights into the performance and progress of their courses. By leveraging the platform’s powerful reporting capabilities, Moodle users can access specific data, make data-driven decisions, and enhance the overall learning experience. Whether you’re looking to track student engagement, evaluate course effectiveness, or identify areas for improvement, custom reports offer a flexible and powerful solution.

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