Home For Administrators Want to use ChatGPT to create your Moodle Quiz Questions? Check out this Python Script

Want to use ChatGPT to create your Moodle Quiz Questions? Check out this Python Script

Want to use ChatGPT to create your Moodle Quiz Questions? Check out this Python Script
Want to use ChatGPT to create your Moodle Quiz Questions? Check out this Python Script

ChatGPT is a chatbot language model developed by OpenAI. It is a variant of the GPT-3 language model, specifically designed for conversational language generation. Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has changed the world by its endless capabilities.

There are many creative uses of ChatGPT in all sectors. There are tools like Mote’s Conker AI which can create questions easily for you. On the other hand, there are tools like GPTZero which can detect any content created by the ChatGPT. There are other plagiarism detector tools which can detect if a piece of content is created using ChatGPT.

In this post, we will see about a new tool (which is still a work in progress) developed by Heikki Wilenius who is an eLearning specialist at the University of Helsinki. He created a Python script which uses ChatGPT to create Multiple Choice Questions in Moodle XML format. As an educator, all you need to do is to enter the topic of your choice and the tool will do the rest.

I can see multiple benefits of using this tool as Moodle educator. It can help you in saving a lot of time, create lot of practice questions in the question bank. As of now you are not suggested to use the questions directly for high stake assessment quizzes.

All you need is an OpenAI key and a Python development environment to get started with the ChatGPT Question Creator. In the prompt, you need to use:

python moodle-quiz-xml-creator.py "Question topic goes here" n


  • “Question Topic Goes Here” need to be replaced by your topic.
  • “n” stands for the number of questions to be generated.

Seems Interesting!!! Check out the discussion and share your views with Heikki in the forum thread here – https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=444739

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