Home For Administrators Snap Theme updated for Moodle 4 – Check it out now

Snap Theme updated for Moodle 4 – Check it out now

Snap Theme updated for Moodle 4 – Check it out now

Snap theme is one of the most popular Free Moodle theme in the official Moodle Plugins directory. The theme is recently updated to a new version compatible with Moodle 4.0. The theme is contributed by Open LMS Development team.

Snap is a user friendly Moodle theme with responsive design which enables you to create the modern, engaging experience user’s expect on the web today. Its intuitive layout is optimised for online learning, focusing on the things that matter – your learning activities and content.

The Snap theme includes many exciting features like:

  • Personal Menu – The easy to use navigation menu gives users an elegant way to perform frequent tasks.
  • Better Courses Display:
    • allow you create individual topics, so learners understand where their focus should be without being confused or overwhelmed by lots of links and options
    • Each topic shows students their progress, which is updated inline with ajax as you progress through the course.
    • Every activity in Snap shows students the due date, if they have submitted, and if feedback is available – without having to open the activity.
    • Teachers are shown how many users have submitted an activity, and if they need to grade any submissions
    • Teacher’s workflows for creating and structuring content in their courses are also optimised to save time.
  • Customized Front Page with featured spots
  • Front Page Carousel
  • Profile based branding for a specific group of users.
  • Stylish Login page

There are many more exciting features in Snap which you should definitely try out.

You can download the latest version of the Snap Moodle theme from the official plugins directory here. If you are new to Moodle, you can check out this guide to learn how to install a Moodle theme.

Which Moodle theme you are using for your Moodle site? Please share with us in the comments section below.

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