Home For Administrators Moodle Tip for Beginners – How to check the Moodle Version

Moodle Tip for Beginners – How to check the Moodle Version

How to check the Moodle Version?

Many times Moodle users need information of their exact Moodle version for different reasons. There are many ways to check Moodle version as below:

1st Way (with Site Administrator access)

The exact version of your Moodle site can be seen from the https://YourMoodleSite//admin/index.php?cache=1. Otherwise you can visit Site Administration > Notifications to see the Moodle Version running on your site.

Moodle Version Check
Moodle Version Check through Site Administration > Notifications

There is another way for administrators to check the Moodle version. You can navigate to Site Administration > Server > Environment. The page will show the Moodle version on the top with other server checks.

The above method works only if you have access to Site Administrator account. However in case if you are not having the admin access, then there is a caveat to check the Moodle version.

2nd Way (As a regular teacher in Moodle)

As a regular teacher at the bottom of any Moodle page, just click the “Moodle Docs for this page”. This link will take you to the Moodle documentation of that particular version. For example – https://docs.moodle.org/311/en/Moodle_version link is relevant for Moodle 3.11

If we have 400 in place of 311 in the same URL then it would be relevant for Moodle 4.0 version.

3rd Way (Access to server files)

In case you are managing the Moodle server, then you can check the Moodle’s version.php file to determine the Moodle version. The file is located in Your_Moodle_Directory/version.php

Moodle Version.php


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I am an experienced Moodle Professional with experience in Moodle Course Creation, Moodle Setup, Moodle Integration, Moodle Training, Moodle Support & troubleshooting. YI am the author of popular books - "How to use Moodle 4.1" and "how to use Moodle 2.7". I work with one goal in mind “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” – whether this means working to achieve results within a specific deadline (or beating the deadline), or with a focus on solid quality, if my client requires the job to be done I will go out of my way to achieving whatever it is that is necessary to do so. Basically, I can take care of your all Moodle requirements so that you can focus on your core job and I will manage your Moodle LMS.



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