Home eLearning Tools Moodle Moodle LMS added to Digital Public Good registery

Moodle LMS added to Digital Public Good registery

Moodle LMS added to Digital Public Good registery

Moodle the world’s most popular open source Learning Management system has added another feat by getting its name registered in Digital Public Good registry (DPG). The Digital Public Good registry aim to promote digital public goods to create a more equitable world.

Moodle is the first open source LMS to make it to the DPG registry. It is added for support to Sustainable Development Goal no 4 – Quality Education since the Moodle software is released under GPL V3.

On this special occasion, Dr. Martin Dougiamas – Founder of Moodle said “We have always supported the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights that everyone has the right to education, and the UN Sustainable Development Goal to ensure inclusive and equitable education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. That is why Moodle LMS is, and will always remain, open source. We value being part of the DPG Registry as we believe freedom in education technology is fundamental to allowing education to flourish and grow in a more equitable and accessible way,”.

The Digital Public Goods Alliance is a multi-stakeholder initiative with a mission to accelerate the sustainable development goals in low and middle-income countries. The Secretariat of the Digital Public Goods Alliance is co-hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and UNICEF and governed by an Interim Strategy Group consisting of iSPIRT; The Government of Norway; The Government of Sierra Leone; and UNICEF.

The Digital Public Goods Standard is a set of specifications and guidelines designed to maximise consensus about whether a digital solution conforms to the definition of a digital public good: open-source software, open data, open AI models, open standards, and open content that adhere to privacy and other applicable best practices.

Check out the other softwares recognized as Digital Public Goods in the DGPA registry here.


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