Home For Administrators Moodle Educators – Check out the Buttons Course format to create awesome courses

Moodle Educators – Check out the Buttons Course format to create awesome courses

Moodle Educators – Check out the Buttons Course format to create awesome courses
Moodle Educators - Check out the Buttons Course format to create awesome courses

Moodle is the world’s most popular open-source learning management system (LMS) in the world. With more than 2,000 plugins contributed by the community developers, it is easier to customize it according to your institution’s requirements. In this post I will share about the Buttons course format plugin.

The buttons course format Moodle plugin allows you to create beautiful aesthetically pleasing courses. The buttons course format creates a menu with buttons to access the sections, one by one. You can also create group of sections (example: modules, period) and change the button colours.

You can download the latest version of the Buttons course format Moodle plugin from the official plugins database here. Recently, the plugin is updated to latest Moodle version compatibility i.e Moodle 4.0 & Moodle 4.1. If you are new to Moodle, please follow this guide to learn how to install a Moodle plugin. Once installed, you can start using the Buttons course format.

Salient features of the buttons course format

Here are some salient features of the buttons course format:

  • Create groups of sections, to separate topics in modules or periods;
  • Create names to the groups to identify them. (Example: First Semester, Topics about a specific theme);
  • Change the colors of the buttons (when active, inactive, on over and hidden), to fit it your Moodle theme;
  • Define the list-style between numbers, alphabet or roman numeral;
  • Define the button’s shape between squares or circles.

How to configure the Buttons course format

You can convert any existing course into Buttons format or create a new course with the Buttons course format by following these steps:

  • Choose the number of sections, or leave the default of 10 sections.
  • Choose where you want the first (zero) section (which has the default ‘Announcements’ forum) positioned: Either ‘Above the list buttons’ or ‘Below the visible section’.
  • Select the sequential rule. You can use the count original of the topics, or chose to reset the count to each new grouping.
  • Select the list-style in numbers, alphabet or roman numeral.
  • Write the titles for all the groupings you will use and the number of sections that each one will have. If a group has only one section, the icon will be (…).
  • Write the hexadecimal color for the current section button and the visible section button, or leave it empty to use the default value.

What are the other Moodle plugins which you are using? Which course format you are using to make your courses aesthetically pleasing for students? Please share with us in the comments section below.

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