Home For Administrators Join MoodleMoot Australia 2024 on 26-27 November 2024 in Melbourne

Join MoodleMoot Australia 2024 on 26-27 November 2024 in Melbourne

Join MoodleMoot Australia 2024 on 26-27 November 2024 in Melbourne
Join MoodleMoot Australia 2024 on 26-27 November 2024 in Melbourne

MoodleMoot Australia 2024 will take place on 26-27 November 2024 in Melbourne. This year the edtech conference will be organized by the Moodle Premier partner Catalyst IT Australia. The edtech event will be a perfect opportunity for Moodle & elearning enthusiasts to network with like minded persons for a unique opportunity to learn, connect, and share insights.

The MoodleMoot Australia 2024 will take place at The Events Centre, Collins Square, Docklands, VIC, in Melbourne, Australia from 26-27 November. This year the theme for the edtech event is Transformative Learning Experiences, it will focus on the ways Moodle is helping to shape education and drive better outcomes through innovation and effective technology use.

The MoodleMoot Australia 2024 will see some of the most influential figures in the elearning community including Martin Dougiamas – founder of Moodle LMS. He will present about Using AI well in education, in which he will explore the role of AI in education, addressing both the potential benefits and the challenges of integrating AI into learning environments. His presentation will focus on how AI can effectively enhance educational experiences for both learners and educators.

The early bird registration discount for MoodleMoot Australia 2024 is available until 04 October 2024. This is a great opportunity to save on attendance and join a dynamic community of educators, technologists, and Moodle enthusiasts. With exciting presentations and valuable networking opportunities, it’s set to be one of the most engaging events of the year. Check out the registrations page for more details.

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I am an experienced Moodle Professional with experience in Moodle Course Creation, Moodle Setup, Moodle Integration, Moodle Training, Moodle Support & troubleshooting. YI am the author of popular books - "How to use Moodle 4.1" and "how to use Moodle 2.7". I work with one goal in mind “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” – whether this means working to achieve results within a specific deadline (or beating the deadline), or with a focus on solid quality, if my client requires the job to be done I will go out of my way to achieving whatever it is that is necessary to do so. Basically, I can take care of your all Moodle requirements so that you can focus on your core job and I will manage your Moodle LMS.


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