Home For Administrators Easily navigate within your Moodle course using the Navigation Buttons plugin

Easily navigate within your Moodle course using the Navigation Buttons plugin


Moodle is the acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment and it can be easily extendd with the help of Moodle Plugins. There are more than 1980+ plugins shared by the Moodle community developers in the Moodle plugins directory. One such plugin is Navigation Buttons block which is currently being maintained by Davo Smith.

The navigation buttons plugin is available for all Moodle Versions. You can download the compatible version from the Moodle Plugins directory here. It is worth to mention that the plugin is actively maintained over past so many years

Introducing Navigation Buttons Moodle Plugin

How to install:

To get started with the Navigation Buttons plugin, you need to download it from the Moodle Plugins directory. Since, it is a Blocks type Moodle plugin, you need to install it into your_moodle_site/blocks/  directory followed by completing the installation process through the Notifications page.

If you are not familiar with Moodle plugins installation, check out the complete Moodle Plugins Installation guide here.

How to Setup:

You can setup the Navigation Buttons plugin as an administrator after installation. You can choose how the navigation buttons will appear for different activities in Moodle course. You can choose to show the navigation buttons when activity completion is marked complete or else choose to show them always as shown below.

Easily navigate within your Moodle course using the Navigation Buttons plugin
Navigation Buttons plugin settings for administrator

As the teacher you need to Turn the Editing Mode On and then click Add a Block to your course page and choose ‘Navigation Block’.

Customise the button appearance by clicking on ‘Edit the Navigation Button settings’ in the newly created block.

Points to be noted:

The plugin provide a unique feature to show the quick navigation buttons above & below the course content area. But with Moodle core focusing on improved user experience, do you really need this plugin on your Moodle. Can the users navigate to next activity through the side menu. Just ponder upon these thought before using the Navigation Buttons Plugin.


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