Home For Administrators Check out the most important aspects of your exam using the Quiz Analytics plugin

Check out the most important aspects of your exam using the Quiz Analytics plugin

Check out the most important aspects of your exam using the Quiz Analytics plugin
Check out the most important aspects of your exam using the Quiz Analytics plugin

Moodle LMS is the most popular open source Learning management System (LMS) in the world. It is used by more than 350 million users around the globe. With more than 2050 plugins contributed by the Community developer it is easy to customise Moodle’s features in all areas. In this post we will discuss about the Quiz Analytics plugin.

The Quiz Analytics plugin provides detailed analytics for a quiz in Moodle course via visually appealing graphs. The graphs are distributed under the following tabs:

  • Attempt Summary- This tab contains the logged in user’s statistics for the last attempt he/she made on that quiz. In case of quizzes allowing single attempt, that attempt is considered the last attempt.
  • My Progress and Predictions- This tab contains several sub-tabs which as a whole gives the idea of how the logged in user has fared over time and the hardest question he/she faced. There’s also a tab specifically for quizzes offering multiple attempts to show the logged user a predictive analysis depending on other users’ attempts and best scores.
  • Question Categories’ Analysis- This tab is dedicated to the categories/tags all the questions are associated with. The graphs here in the sub-tabs shows the question distribution among categories and also an idea of how challenging each of the categories proved to be.
  • Scores’ and Questions’ Stats- This tab contains two sub tabs, one showing the number of students in each grade category and the other providing a thorough analysis of all the questions present in the quiz.

The plugin has been actively maintained by the developer since last many Major Moodle versions. It has also received Early Bird badge for Moodle 4.1 recently.

You can download the latest version of the Quiz Analytics Plugin from the official Plugins directory here. If you are new to Moodle, you can follow this guide to learn how to install Moodle plugins.

The Quiz Analytics plugin seems to be providing a better way of understanding a user’s attempts in the quiz. The students can understand their own progress with visual graphs.

What are the other Moodle plugins you are using on your site? Do let us know in the comments section below.


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