Home EdTech Community Check out the finalists for Open Education Awards 2022

Check out the finalists for Open Education Awards 2022

Check out the finalists for Open Education Awards 2022
Check out the finalists for OEAwards 2022

Every year, the Open Education Awards for Excellence recognizes outstanding contributions in the Open Education community. The Open Education Awards recognizes exemplary leaders, distinctive Open Educational Resources, and Open Practices from around the world.

This year the shortlist of finalists is announced first. The shortlist was selected from 89 nominations of open education excellence across 22 countries by the 12 members of the OE Awards 2022 Committee and OEGlobal Board Members.

The shortlist includes 12 open leaders and 31 open education initiatives and practices across the 14 awards categories. The winners will be announced on October 20th.

Meet the finalists in each category as below:


Leadership Award

  • Delmar Larsen
  • Ebba Ossiannilsson
  • Robert Schuwer

Educator Award

  • Saifa Haque
  • Sushumnarao Tadinada
  • Giovanni Zimotti

Emerging Leader Award

  • Luis Clemente Jiménez Botello
  • Sarah Kresh
  • Andrea Scott

Support Specialist Award

  • Beatriz Canales
  • Ewan McAndrew
  • Ellie Svoboda


Best OER

  • Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology from California State University Chico
  • Liberated Learners from Trent University
  • Moo MOOC: Milking your OER from University of Edinburgh
  • Open RN Nursing Mental Health and Community Concepts from Chippewa Valley Technical College
  • Open RN Nursing Management and Professional Concepts from Chippewa Valley Technical College
  • Salón de clase: Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals from Binghamton University – SUNY
  • School for All: promoting an anti-racist education from Fundação Telefônica Vivo
  • Strategic Communication to Counter Security Threats in the Disinformation Era from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Open Curation / Repository

  • Digital Self-Learning Initiatives from the French Digital University (l’Université Numérique)
  • LibreTexts at University of California-Davis
  • Open Courseware at King Khalid University (KKU)
  • Repositorio de Recursos Educativos Abiertos from Ceibal

Open Reuse / Remix / Adaptation

  • An ENOEL Toolkit – Benefits of OE for everyone to reuse from SPARC Europe
  • Open eTextbooks for Access to Music Education from University of Edinburgh
  • Open Technical Communication from Kennesaw State University

Open Infrastructure

  • LibreTexts at University of California-Davis
  • Open Educational Resources American Public University System from American Public University System
  • TAO from Open Assessment Technologies


Open Collaboration

  • European Network of Open Education Librarians from SPARC Europe
  • The ICDE OER Advocacy Committee from Swedish Association of Distance Education
  • Liberated Learners at Trent University

Open Innovation

  • Innovative Sustainable Forest Management Education in the Asia-Pacific Region from the Asia Forest Research Centre, UBC Faculty of Forestry
  • Textbook Transformation Project at Chaffey College

Open Pedagogy

  • Evaluating OER for Social Justice at Lehman College, CUNY
  • The Open Pedagogy Project Roadmap from Pennsylvania State University
  • TeachOER, an online repository of OER resources and openly-licensed teaching materials from Baruch College-CUNY


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award

  • Ewan McAndrew, Wikimedian in Residence: Wikimedia and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at University of Edinburgh, UK
  • OpenLearn’s Race and Ethnicity Hub at The Open University, UK
  • Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom – Bolivia 2021-2022 from Wikimedistas de Bolivia

Open Resilience Award

  • Advocacy work of the Scientific Library to advance Open Education in Ukraine from the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
  • TALON at the University of Calgary

For more details check out the Open Education Global website here. Open Education Global is a member-based, global, non-profit supporting the development and use of open education around the world.


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