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Verify the integrity of a Safe Exam Browser installation using SEB Verificator tool

Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is one of the most secure browser which is used by many education institutes to carry out e-assessments safely. It allows you to turn any workstation into a secure workstation for assessment. Recently, the SEB team has released the first version of the SEB Verificator tool which is very interesting for all educators. In this post, we will understand its purpose and how it can be used.

Safe Exam Browser Verificator tool is a standalone tool which can be used to manually verify the integrity of a Safe Exam Browser installation on Windows. This can be very handy if you are allowing the students to BYOD exams where students can have manipulated version of Safe Exam Browsers on their device.

You can download the SEB verificator tool from the official GitHub repository here. Once downloaded you can either use the verificator tool on USB flash drive and start it from there on the exam device under your supervision. Alternatively you could make the tool downloadable on a website in your control and ask the candidate to download and execute the SEB Verificator under your supervision.

The SEB Verificator application comes with the references for all the official release versions since SEB 3.2.0 preloaded. So, once it detects at least one valid reference. After the verification procedure has finished, the status of all elements in the local installation will be displayed in the user interface.

Are you using Safe Exam Browser for conducting your online assessments? How you are controlling the students devices in BYOD Exams? Do let us know in the comments section below.

CLAMP project releases New Moodle LAE Releases for July 2022 based on Moodle 4

CLAMP – the Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project is a group of colleges and universities who collaborate to develop and support Moodle. Recently the CLAMP project has released three new maintenance releases of the Liberal Arts Edition which are based on Moodle 4.0.

The major work of CLAMP focuses on fostering collaboration and support around Moodle by hosting events, sharing knowledge, evaluating features, creating documentation, fixing bugs, and developing code. CLAMP is governed by a steering committee consisting of elected participants from seven member schools. Each school serves a three year term with a staggered rotation for new schools serving each year.

The new CLAMP version contains updates to all the contributed modules to ensure compatibility with Moodle 4.0. You can download the latest CLAMP version release form the official website here.

CLAMP contains many contributed modules in the package like Filtered Course List, OU Dates Report, Quickmail, Roster Report & Ad-hoc database queries (customsql) etc. along with core Moodle. The LAE includes bug fixes, enhancements, and a suite of plugins which our member schools find useful.

There is a new minor version released within a week of each Moodle Minor version release. While for every Moodle Major version release, there is a new CLAMP version released in January & July.

You ca check out more details about the CLAMP project on the official website here.

Moodle Teachers – How to add resources with different views in the course

Moodle is one of the most flexible and customizable learning management system in the world. You can extend the functionality by using Moodle plugins. Recently, a new Moodle plugin – Label with Group is released in the Moodle plugins database. In this post, we will see the installation, settings, usage of the Label with Group moodle plugin.

The Label with Group is an activity type plugin which allows you to add resources with different views in the course. There are four display options possible which are:

  • Without a template
  • Collapse template
  • Slide template
  • Collapse with slide template

In addition the Label with group plugin allows you to display them only for a specific groups of students in your course. The label with group module enables text and multimedia to be inserted into the course page in between links to other resources and activities.

You can download the Label with Group Moodle plugin from the plugin directory here. The plugin is developed by Leonardo Aprigio da Silva. I tested the plugin on my Moodle 4.0 test environment and I like the ability of the plugin to make content slideshow which can be collapsed. In addition the ability to share it to specific group of students is also stood out.

Label with Group Moodle Plugin

How to install:

To get started with the Label with group plugin, you need to download it from the Moodle Plugins directory. Since, it is a Activity type Moodle plugin, you need to install it into your_moodle_site/mod/  directory followed by completing the installation process through the Notifications page.

If you are not familiar with Moodle plugins installation, check out the complete Moodle Plugins Installation guide here.

How to setup:

There are no specific settings for this activity plugin. Once it is installed you will get a new link in the “Add an activity or resource” option.

How to use:

In order to use you need to Enter the Editing mode by toggling the Edit Mode On button. From the “Add an activity or resource” select Label with Group. In the Template field, you can choose the template to be used. If you choose slide or collapse with slide template then you will see the option to add new slides under the content section.

Moodle Teachers - How to add resources with different views in the course
Label with group plugin

Under the content area, you can define the groups or select it to share with all participants in the course. Once you are done, click “Save and Return to course”.

Which are the other interesting Moodle plugins, you are using on your Moodle site? Please share with us in the comments section below.

SakaiCon 2022 recordings are now available – Check them out now!


SakaiCon 2022 – the annual edtech conference of Sakai LMS community was organized on July 19-20 2022. The edTech conference was aimed to understand how Sakai can be used to facilitate meaningful learning. The conference was full of exciting sessions covering vast variety of edtech topics. Now the recordings of all sessions are available on YouTube.

During the 2 day conference the Sakaigers have interesting topics like Rubrics, Accessibility in Sakai, Upcoming new features in Sakai LMS etc. Here are the sessions for which the recordings are available on YouTube:

You can check out all the video recordings from SakaiCon 2022 on this YouTube link.

Moodle Tips – Restrict course activities and sections access based on a relative date

In continuation to our last post, Moodle core includes Course Relative Dates which is an experimental feature introduced in Moodle 3.8. The course relative dates feature can be used to restrict course activities based on course start date but with limited application. Renaat Debleu, founder of eWallah developed a Moodle plugin – Restriction by relative date which allows you to extend the relative dates in other parts of a course.

This plugin can be very handy in case you are looking to restrict course activities for students based on their enrollment date. It is very well maintained plugin over the last few years and is available for all Major Moodle versions.

The plugin is a availability condition Moodle plugin which makes it easier to show all modules or sections based on the following criteria X days/weeks/months :

  • Before/after course start date
  • Before/After course end date
  • After user enrollment date
  • After enrollment method end date
  • After completion of activity

The plugin uses the most recent course enrollment as a starting point to calculate the availability of course resources to the students. You can also use set of availability conditions to make the course resource available only during a certain time.

The plugin doesn’t have any special settings as you can start using it immediately after installation. You need to understand the Restrict access settings in Moodle before you can use the Restriction by relative date Moodle plugin.

Check out a quick video introduction about how to use this plugin in your Moodle course:

You can download the latest version of the Restriction by relative date plugin from the official Moodle plugins directory here.

Which are the other tips to have the content dripping feature in Moodle course? Do share with us in the comments section below.

Moodle LMS added to Digital Public Good registery

Moodle the world’s most popular open source Learning Management system has added another feat by getting its name registered in Digital Public Good registry (DPG). The Digital Public Good registry aim to promote digital public goods to create a more equitable world.

Moodle is the first open source LMS to make it to the DPG registry. It is added for support to Sustainable Development Goal no 4 – Quality Education since the Moodle software is released under GPL V3.

On this special occasion, Dr. Martin Dougiamas – Founder of Moodle said “We have always supported the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights that everyone has the right to education, and the UN Sustainable Development Goal to ensure inclusive and equitable education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. That is why Moodle LMS is, and will always remain, open source. We value being part of the DPG Registry as we believe freedom in education technology is fundamental to allowing education to flourish and grow in a more equitable and accessible way,”.

The Digital Public Goods Alliance is a multi-stakeholder initiative with a mission to accelerate the sustainable development goals in low and middle-income countries. The Secretariat of the Digital Public Goods Alliance is co-hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and UNICEF and governed by an Interim Strategy Group consisting of iSPIRT; The Government of Norway; The Government of Sierra Leone; and UNICEF.

The Digital Public Goods Standard is a set of specifications and guidelines designed to maximise consensus about whether a digital solution conforms to the definition of a digital public good: open-source software, open data, open AI models, open standards, and open content that adhere to privacy and other applicable best practices.

Check out the other softwares recognized as Digital Public Goods in the DGPA registry here.

Stable release of Xerte Online Toolkits 3.11 released

Xerte is an open source learning object creation tool developed by the University of Nottingham. Recently the Xerte team has released the stable version of Xerte Online Toolkits 3.11. Xerte brand covers a suite of browser-based tools that allow anyone with a web browser to create interactive learning materials quickly and easily.

Xerte produces standards-compliant HTML5 that runs on all devices running a modern web-browser, allowing learning to access content whenever and wherever they choose. There are several packages released under the Xerte brand. Xerte Online Toolkits is a web-based package that allows a user to create learning objects in any web browser.

The new Xerte Online Toolkits version 3.11 includes many new features like:

  • New XOT page type
  • Workspace enhancements
  • Editor Enhancements
  • Improved video handling
  • Bootstrap enhancements
  • And many more

You can download the latest version of Xerte Online toolkits 3.11 from the official website here.

Which tool you are using to create interactive content for your elearning course requirements? Have you ever used the Xerte to create interactive content and how was your experience? Do share with us in the comments section below.

Sakai LMS released the 3 year roadmap for 2023-25 cycle

Sakai LMS has publicly released the 3 year roadmap for the 2023-25 cycle. The roadmap includes many notable feature along with a plethora of improvements in the upcoming versions of the Sakai LMS. The Sakai community defines the roadmap for the coming 3 years of Sakai development every year.

In the next year, the Sakai community will focus towards introducing Learning Conversations, Meetings Manager & Student Task Organizer. In 2024, the focus will be towards Student Grade Portfolio, Messaging Hub, Grading Annotation, Mobile App & Achievements Manager. While Smart Agents will be key priority for the year 2025.

Smart Agents is an innovative feature which will help the educators informed about the problems in their courses. There will be a daily reporting feature which will highlights the upcoming areas of concerns in the course. Here is the latest roadmap for 2023-25:

Roadmap image with link to full documentation

The 3 year roadmap creation process includes the following milestones:

  • October 2021: Consultation with Roadmap Steering Committee

  • November 2021: Roadmap v1 presented for feedback at Sakai Virtual Conference

  • December 2021 – January 2022: Roadmap v2 presented for feedback at Sakai working groups (Teaching & Learning, User Experience, Accessibility, Core Team)

  • March 2022: Roadmap v3 adopted at Sakai Days

You can check out the 3-year roadmap of Sakai LMS here. If you are interested in learning more about Sakai LMS, please visit the official website www.sakailms.org or visit this page – https://sakaiproject.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CONF/overview?mode=global

Get ready for 21st ILIAS Conference 2022 on September 8 & 9

The ILIAS Conference 2022 will be organized on September 8-9 in Bologna, Italy. This year the conference will be organized in face to way manner at FICO Congress Center. The 21st ILIAS Conference is organised by the Italian ILIAS service provider OC Open Consulting srl in collaboration with the ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.

The 21st International ILIAS Conference is the most important event of the year in the ILIAS community. After two virtual editions, the conference will finally take place again as a face-to-face conference in 2022 – in Bologna, the city with the oldest university in Europe.

The topics for this year’s ILIAS conference 2022 are:

  • Back to the Future
  • Diversity Management – ILIAS for Everyone
  • Multipliers – Your ILIAS Needs You!
  • Wild Card

Berlin-based “education troublemaker” Anja C. Wagner will kickstart the conference with the keynote address on September 8.  Afterwards, Roberto del Mastro will speak, followed by Matthias Kunkel from the ILIAS Society. As always, the conference will end with another keynote and the presentation of the ILIAS Community Award.

You can check out the full ILIAS Conference 2022 program schedule here. To book your seats, you can register through this link for the two day conference.

For all those unversed, ILIAS is open source LMS since 1998 which provides a flexible learning and working environment with integrated tools. ILIAS is rather more like a library, making it possible to make diverse learning and work materials available in all areas of the repository. Check out full details about ILIAS LMS on the official website here.

Get ready for the 5th Chamilo Conference 2022 – Belgium on August 25

The 5th edition of Chamilo Conference 2022  will be organized in Belgium on August 25. It will be a great opportunity to meet all those who use Chamilo in a professional context. The Chamilo Conference 2022 will be hosted in Van der Valk Hotel Nivelles – Sud, Belgium. The event is focused on information sharing between entrepreneurs, directors, managers, promoters and consultants from various areas related to e-learning in Europe.

Chamilo Conference Belgium 2022 is the best place to meet other administrators, coordinators, directors, managers and the founders of the Chamilo platform, as well as professionals involved in e-learning: a true networking and exchanges paradise.

“Chamilo Conference is the largest networking and training event in the Chamilo ecosystem, for high-level professionals in e-learning. You will have the opportunity to talk with the people who dedicate thousands of hours each year to making Chamilo the best e-learning platform, for everyone.” Yannick Warnier, CEO and Founder, Chamilo

The agenda for the Chamilo Conference 2022 includes:

  • Chamilo use cases from around the world in corporate training and education
  • Workshops
  • Networking
  • Exhibition area (sponsors providing extra services on top of Chamilo)

It will be a one day conference for all Education Managers and Professionals. You can register your seat through this link.