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URGENT!!! – Moodle minor version released, patching up a security risk


All Moodle administrators are alarmed to update their Moodle site urgently. Moodle 4 – the latest Moodle version is updated to a new 4.0.3 version to fix a security risk observed recently. The other supported versions like 3.9 & 3.11 have also received the update.

You can download the latest released version from the official Moodle downloads page  or through the Github repository.

In a forum announcement forum announcement, Sander Bangma announced the release of the unplanned minor version release. The details of the security risks will be shared next week.

All Moodle site administrators are alarmed to update their Moodle sites immediately to avoid any security risk.

The next Minor Moodle version will be released in September as planned.

The release notes for each version can be found on the following pages:

In case you need any help or you have any queries regarding the Moodle Update process, do not hesitate to connect with us through the comments section below.

Make your Moodle Boost theme more configurable using Boost Union theme

Moodle is a highly customizable Learning Management system which is used across the globe. By default, Moodle comes with the Boost theme in the core which is a clean and modern theme. However, it doesn’t comes up with many configurable options and limit the configuration options to very limited areas. Boost Union is a new theme contributed in the Moodle Plugins directory which address this limitation in Boost theme.

The Boost Union theme is developed by Alexander Bias & Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. It is based on the  popular Boost Campus theme for Moodle 4.x. It is available for the recently released Moodle 4.0 version. Boost Union theme is a child theme based on the core Boost theme which makes it more configurable as well as provide helpful additional features for the daily Moodle operation.

It comes with some handy useful features like adding static page, footnote text display, disable the not required blocks, change course content width area etc. It also provides simple settings for admins to let them configure important settings easily without thinking about the inner workings of the theme.

You can follow this guide to install the Boost Union theme on your Moodle site. Once installed and activated, it will not make any visible changes to the appearance to the Moodle. However, the site admin can configure the different options and settings which are required. To configure the theme and its behavior, please visit: Site administration -> Appearance -> Themes -> Boost Union.

I am quite impressed with the ease of changing the default Boost theme using the Boost Union theme. In case you are also using Boost theme for your Moodle learning environment, you should definitely check the Boost Union theme to enhance your productivity.

What are the other popular themes you are using for your Moodle Learning environment? Do share with us in the comments section below.

Check out the exciting video recordings from BigBlueButton World 2022

BigBlueButton – the open source web conferencing solution organized the BigBlueButton World 2022 recently from July 18th – July 21st, 2022. The exciting virtual conference was attended by many educators from all around the world. Now, the video recordings of all the sessions is made available.

This year the theme for the BigBlueButton World 2022 conference was Hope Through Education. For all four days of the conference, many educators from a variety of backgrounds including education, development and administration presented their experience and ideas.

In case, you missed to attend the conference, you are encouraged to check out the video recordings of exciting sessions through this page. Few of the exciting sessions includes:

  • The Role of Education in improving the world around us
  • Creating Engagement in the New ‘Classroom’ : Lessons on keeping students focused with virtual learning
  • It Took a Teacher to Change a Village: Meet the 2020 Global Teacher Prize Winner
  • A Teacher Fighting the Battle on Female Education
  • A Future of Online Learning
  • Using Opencast as a Video Management System for Bigbluebutton Recordings
  • Making Hybrid Teaching Easier With BigBlueButton
  • Improving Usability and Accessibility of BigBlueButton

Which web conferencing system you are using for your online Learning portal? Please share with us in the comments section below.

Moodlers – Submit your project proposals for Moodle Users Association July-Dec 2022 Cycle

Moodle Users Association next Project Development Cycle for July – Dec 2022 is now open. All Moodle users are encouraged to submit their project proposal which you need to be included in the Moodle core. The project proposals will be voted by the members of Moodle Users Association before finalizing the project to proceed. The deadline for submitting the project proposals for this Project Development Cycle is August 31 2022.

The current project development cycle will run from July-December 2022. After the initial project proposal submissions, there will be preliminary voting among the MUA members. Afterwards the project requirements will be finalized in detail along with MUA committee.

In the final voting cycle, the projects will be reviewed once again based on the cost estimates shared by the Moodle HQ. After that the selected project will be included in Moodle Core in upcoming releases.

If you are a member of the Moodle Users Association, you can submit your project proposal through this link – https://moodleassociation.org/course/view.php?id=63

Lumi Education updated to new version

Lumi Education – the desktop app that allows you to create, edit, view and share interactive content with dozens of different content types, has been updated to a new version. The latest version 0.9.4 which was released on Monday August 15, includes fixes and updates.

Lumi Education app is based on H5P to create Interactive content with over 40 content types. You can also save your content as all-in-one HTML files that work nearly everywhere and send it to your learners. Learners can download their progress with Lumi’s reporter tool and send it to you for analysis. You can also export your content as SCORM 1.2 packages which can be used in any compliant LMS.

The new Lumi app version includes the following fixes:

  • The application doesn’t quit anymore when some users click on “create new H5P”.
  • The update indicator works correctly.

You can download the latest version of the Lumi app from the official website here – https://lumi.education It is available for Windows, Linux & MacOS

An introduction to Moodle LMS for complete beginners

Moodle™ LMS is one of the most widely used Learning Management System in the world. As per the official statistics on Moodle.org, it is being used in more than 240 countries and with more than 325 million users. What makes Moodle so special and why it is loved by so many people across the globe, let’s have a look.

Moodle LMS was initially started by Dr. Martin Dougiamas as an alternative method of teaching in place of WebCT in 1999. The first Moodle version 1.0 was released in 2002 and with that the LMS went popular with a strong community backing.

What makes Moodle so special as an LMS?

Here are some features which makes Moodle LMS so special:

Moodle is Completely Open Source

So, what is the big fuss about open source? There are a lot of other software available which are also Open Source.

The Answer is: Moodle is free to use for everyone and you needn’t pay even a single penny for using Moodle on your servers. No one can take it away from you, increase the license cost, or make you pay for upgrades.  No one can force you to upgrade, adopt features you don’t want, or tell you how many users you can have. They can’t take the source code back from users, and if Martin Dougiamas decides to stop developing Moodle, there is a dedicated community of developers who will keep the project going.  So, it is always going to be an ongoing project.

Moodle is based around Sound Educational Philosophy

Martin’s background in education led him to adopt social constructionism as a core theory behind Moodle. This is revolutionary, as most LMS systems have been built around tool sets, not pedagogy.  Most commercial LMS systems are tool-centered, whereas Moodle is learning-centered.

While tool-centric LMSs give you a list of tools as the interface, Moodle builds the tools into an interface that makes the learning task central. You can organize your Moodle course by week, topic, or social arrangement. Additionally, while other LMSs support a content model that encourages instructors to upload a lot of static content, Moodle focuses on tools for discussion and sharing artifacts. The focus isn’t on delivering information; it’s on sharing ideas and engaging in the construction of knowledge.

Moodle’s design philosophy makes this a uniquely teacher-friendly package that represents the first generation of educational tools that are truly useful.

Strong Community Support

Moodle has the biggest community of developers, teachers, and designers working all around the globe for making improvements to the product named Moodle. They are more than willing to keep on adding new features, enhancing the existing ones, helping you to troubleshoot problems and the most basic in starting Using Moodle.

The Moodle community has been indispensable to the success of the system. With so many global users, there is always someone who can answer a question or give advice. At the same time, the Moodle developers and users work together to ensure quality, add new modules and features, and suggest new ideas for development. Martin and his core team are responsible for deciding what features are mature enough for official releases and where to go next. Because users are free to experiment, many people use and test new features, acting as a large quality control department.

Robust Documentation

One of the basic things missing in most of the other open source LMS’s is the lack of appropriate documentation whereas Moodle is the winner in terms of the documentation also. There are separate document repositories created for each Moodle version.

You will find tones of documents on each and every topic related to Moodle and if by chance you are not able to find any relevant topic then you can ask the community members to help you out through Moodle forums.

Completely modular with great collection of plugins

Moodle has got a large database of Plugins to enhance the learning requirements of each individual. You can find modules for changing the Course formats, Add different activities, Blocks, themes etc. There are more than 2000 plugins contributed by the Moodle community over the years.

Language Translation

Moodle community has contributed to make Moodle available in all of the popular languages so that you can teach students in your own language. Even you can also contribute to translate the Moodle into your own language. http://lang.moodle.org/.

Mobile Learning Support

Moodle offers a completely responsive design and mobile learning support. You can have your own branded Moodle mobile app customized as per your institutions design & styling requirements.

Questions about Moodle LMS

Here we will answer the most frequently asked questions about Moodle LMS.

What is Moodle used for?

Moodle is an online learning management system which is used for teaching, coaching, online exams etc.

What Moodle Means?

Moodle means Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.

What is a Moodle course?

Moodle course is the area for a single teacher to add his/her activities/resource to teach a specific group of students. As a teacher you can add simple PDF files or audio/videos for students to go through or else you can add online assignments, quizzes, lesson etc.

Is Moodle free of cost?

Moodle LMS is available as free of cost since it is released under GLP V3 license. You can download the copy of Moodle from the official website here. However, to run the Moodle you will need a server and have a good understanding of Moodle administration part.

If you are looking for an expert service provider to handle your Moodle administration, you can connect with us here.

How do you use Moodle LMS?

In simple terms, Moodle is used as online learning portal. You have Moodle running on a domain where the teachers can login to their specific courses and add their teaching materials. Students access the domain and participate in course activities for which the teacher will get the reports.

Is Moodle a good LMS?

Moodle is a very good LMS and is being used by many world renowned educational universities like Open University, University of California, Iowa State University, MIT Teacher Education Program etc.

If you have more questions about Moodle LMS and its use, please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

*Moodle is a registered trademark of Moodle HQ and we are not linked to it through any means.*

Moodle Quiz Question Bank – How to import questions in AIKEN format


Moodle Quiz is one of the most powerful & most customizable quiz engine in the industry. There are all sort of customization options possible within the quiz to meet the requirements of all industries. It support variety of question types from easy MCQ’s to difficult calculated questions. In this post, we will have a look at how you can create MCQ Questions easily in your device and then import them in Moodle. We will be using the AIKEN format for creating multiple choice questions.

The AIKEN format allows you to create multiple MCQ questions created in a text file and import easily in Moodle rather them adding them one by one in the question bank. The advantage of using AIKEN format is that it provides the questions in a clear human-readable format in a text file.

In order to use the AIKEN format, you need to create the questions first in a text file. We will be using any modern text editors available like MS Word. Once you end up the writing the questions in the specific format which I will describe below, you need to save the document as a txt file.

AIKEN Formatting Rules:

In order to create the questions in the AIKEN format, you need to take care of the following points:

  • The question must be all on one line only.
  • Each answer must start with a capitalized single-letter character, followed by a period ‘.’ or a bracket ‘)’, then a space. If you have followed a bracket or a period, then whole document has to follow the same consistently throughout.
  • The answer line must immediately follow, starting with “ANSWER: ” (All capitals in ANSWER followed by a colon and a space and then the correct answer in capital) and then provide the correct answer letter.
  • To separate each question, place only one line space between each new question.
Moodle Quiz Question Bank - How to import questions in AIKEN format
Moodle AIKEN formatting rules

Create Multiple Choice Questions

Once you have created the questions following the above formatting rules, you need to save the file in plain text (.txt) format with UTF-8 encoding. Microsoft Word often brings many unwanted hidden special characters into the document which needs to be avoided in the txt file before uploading in Moodle.

Moodle Quiz Question Bank - How to import questions in AIKEN format
importing AIKEN questions in Moodle

Importing Create Multiple Choice Questions in Moodle

Now since you are ready with the txt file, you can login to Moodle portal :

  • Navigate to your course > Question Bank > Import page.
  • Choose Aiken format for the file format type.
  • Expand the ‘General’ section. Choose the category you wish to import your questions into.
  • Choose the file you wish to import. You can also drag and drop the file into Moodle.
  • Click the import button at the bottom and Preview the Import.
  • Once done, please have a recheck at your questions.

What are the other tools to easily create questions in Moodle? Do share with us in the comments section below.

SysBind become a Moodle Premium Certified Service Provider in Israel


SysBind has become a Moodle Premium Certified Service Provider in Israel. SysBind specializes in developing online learning & training portals based on Moodle – world’s most popular open source LMS. They are already serving more than 1 million users in Israel with their wide range of services like development, integration & support.

On the occasion of becoming a Moodle Premium Certified Service Provider in Israel, Shabi Elikishvili, Chief Executive Officer at SysBind said: “We believe this achievement acknowledges the past mutual success of our Moodle Partnership, maintaining a professional, effective and growing Moodle services by SysBind in parallel this milestone reflects the will to further develop and promote a shared vision to the Israeli LMS users.”

“The key challenges faced in the integration of Moodle LMS across K-12 education is that teaching staff might not be aware of many system features. With Moodle LMS rapidly expanding across schools in Israel, it is important that educators are able to make the most of the learning platform.”

“Joining the prestigious Premium Partner Program continues to strengthen our positioning in the territory as a leading world class professional service provider and reveals our focus on introducing the Moodle vision to Israeli business sectors. As a Premium Moodle Partner, we now have enhanced tools and an exciting opportunity to promote the Moodle Workplace offering.” Shabi Elikishvili says.

With the addition of SysBind to the Moodle Service Providers network, the total count of partners across the globe has reached 102. They are the first partner to join from Israel. They will be offering Moodle services in Isreal like Hosting, Development, Installation, Integration, Analytics, Support & Training.

Get ready for 1EdTech Europe Leadership Summit on October 3-4 2022

1EdTech will be hosting a free, two-day virtual Europe leadership Summit on October 3-4 2022. The 2 day virtual event will be focused on how to work together to create seamless educational experiences across all aspects of learning, teaching, and assessment.

The 1EdTech Europe Leadership Summit 2022 will be hosting a series of keynotes, case studies, and moderated panels with leaders from education and technology organizations actively working together for the common good.

The whole conference will be mainly focused on the following key areas of collaboration in shaping the European edtech landscape:

  • Innovation in Learning Platforms, Environments, and Tools
  • Developing Country-Specific Ecosystems for Schools, Higher Education, and Workforce Development
  • Innovation in the Use of Digital Microcredentials
  • Europe-Wide Higher Education Collaboration on Edtech

The registrations for the two-day virtual conference are completely free of cost. You can book your free seat through this link.

Check out the full schedule for the 1EdTech Europe Leadership Summit 2022 here.

About 1EdTech

1EdTech is the world’s leading member-based non-profit community partnership of educational providers, state/national departments of education, and edtech suppliers. The 1EdTech community provides collaborative leadership that shapes the foundation of an open edtech ecosystem now and into the future to enable unlimited potential in every learner.

Moodle Administrators – Make your Moodle site slick and professional using Trema theme

Moodle designers are always looking for professional looking Moodle theme which can make the learning environment standout. There are many popular free Moodle themes like Adaptable, Fordson, LearnR etc which are hugely popular across Moodle users. Trema is a new Moodle theme with a focus on usability and aesthetics.

Trema Moodle theme is a modern slick and professional theme which can make your Moodle site look awesome. The plus point for this theme is that it is built on Boost theme so it will be easy to maintain it in future Moodle versions.

Trema Moodle theme is designed with a view so that all necessary static pages required for Marketing, Advertisement etc are built in Moodle directly. Other notable features in the Trema Moodle theme are:

  • Customizable front page
  • Customizable Login Page
  • Fully responsive
  • Customizable Footer area with admin area block.
  • Admin dashboard area

You can download the latest version of the Trema Moodle Theme from the plugins directory here. It is among the top 9 most downloaded Moodle themes in the last one year. The theme has been recently updated to Moodle 4.0 compatible version.

Trema is really a great Moodle theme as it transforms the looks and feeling of the homepage as well as its login form.