Home For Administrators Moodle Teachers – Allow students to enroll after completing course in another category

Moodle Teachers – Allow students to enroll after completing course in another category

Moodle Teachers – Allow students to enroll  after completing course in another category
Moodle Teachers - Allow students to enroll after completing course in another category

Moodle, the open-source Learning Management System (LMS), is renowned for its flexibility and extensibility. One of the key factors contributing to its adaptability is the extensive range of plugins available. In this post, we will discuss about Moodle plugin which allows you to let students enroll themselves in a course when they complete a course in another category.

The Moodle plugin – ‘Enrol by Category’ allows the teachers to setup the enrollment of a course in such a way that students needs to complete a course in another category. This can be used in scenarios where you have few courses like Preliminary level in Category 1 and Intermediate level in Category 2. You can setup the enrollment of Category 2 courses with this plugin such that students can access them only when they complete a course in Category 1.

The plugin also provides option to setup the waiting list which allows to setup a maximum participants in the course. When the maximum amount of participants is reached, additional participants can join the waiting list. Participants on the waiting list are informed about open spots on daily. The teacher can manually enroll participants from the waiting list into the course bypassing the maximum participants limit.

It also allows the students who are enrolled using this plugin to join specified group. This is useful if the course has multiple enrollment methods and also uses groups to show different content to different users.

The plugin also allows you to set a time limit to limit the course to participants which for example have finished a course in the specified category at most 6 month earlier. The time limit can be configured to count from when the course starts or when the course was created.

You can download the Enrol by Category Moodle plugin from the official plugins repository here.

What are the other Moodle plugins you are using on your Moodle site? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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