The ‘The Perfect Blend 2023’ – Blended Learning Conference 2023 organized by Virtual Virginia, VSTE, and Canvas by Instructure is scheduled for February 25, 2023. The completely free edtech event will be the third annual free, one-day Blended Learning Conference for public school educators. The call for presentations for ‘The Perfect Blend’ is open for all educators.
The Perfect Blend 2023 will include topics in both synchronous and asynchronous instruction. The edtech event will highlight some of the amazing things teachers and leaders are doing to improve instruction and create blended learning experiences that are meaningful and engaging for learners.
The call for presentations for the The Perfect Blend 2023 is open now for all participants. So you can also share your fun, informative, and engaging presentations for the edtech event. The shortlisted topics for the conference are:
You can submit your presentation proposal through this link.