Home For Administrators Join the Mastery Learning Summit 2022 on October 21 in Houston, Texas

Join the Mastery Learning Summit 2022 on October 21 in Houston, Texas

Join the Mastery Learning Summit 2022 on October 21 in Houston, Texas
Join the Mastery Learning Summit on October 21 in Houston, Texas

The Mastery Learning Summit 2022 will be held on October 21 in Houston, Texas. This event will take a deep dive into four specific strands: Leadership, STEM, Humanities, or Elementary Mastery Learning. The edtech event will be held in Houston Christian High School, Houston, Texas.

The one day summit will help you to learn how mastery and competency-based learning can become a reality in your classroom. The Mastery Learning Summit will feature a keynote and workshop with Jon Bergmann, Flipped Learning pioneer and author of “The Mastery Learning Handbook, a Competency-Based Approach to Student Achievement.”

You can register your seat for the Mastery Learning Summit 2022 here. The price for each seat is kept at $250. You can book before September 29 to get a discounted price.

During the summit, everyone will enjoy the Keynote and then please choose one of the four conference strands to participate in Leadership, STEM, Humanities, or Elementary Mastery Learning and take a deep dive into this topic over the course of the day.

The Venue for the event will be Houston Christian High School. Check out the complete details about the Mastery Learning Summit on the official website here.


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