Home EdTech Market Moodle holds onto 39 place in Top 100 Tools for Learning 2022

Moodle holds onto 39 place in Top 100 Tools for Learning 2022

Moodle holds onto 39 place in Top 100 Tools for Learning 2022
Moodle holds onto 39 place in Top 100 Tools for Learning 2022 (image credits - https://www.toptools4learning.com/)

Moodle – the world’s most popular open source Learning Management System is ranked among the top 100 tools for learning in 2022. Moodle – as a learning platform is ranked as #39 among the top 100 tools for learning. The 16th Annual Tools for Learning survey 2022 has been extended to 300 learning tools instead of 100 tools.

The survey lead by Jane Hart divides the tools in three areas – personal learning (PPL), workplace learning (WPL) and education EDU). Moodle is among one of the few tools for Tools for Education (Edu) as well as Tools for Workplace Learning (WPL). The other Learning Platforms ranked are as follows:

  • Google Classroom – 32 (-15),
  • Moodle – 39 (-1),
  • aNew Spring – 66 (+1),
  • Canvas – 72  (-15)

While Moodle has lost one place, other competitors like Canvas by Instructure have lost 15 places and dropped to 72 place. Google Classroom is ranked as the top learning platform with rank 32 but this year it has also lost 15 places.

Check out the full list of Top 100 tools for learning 2022 here.


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