Home For Administrators BigBlueButton 2.7 released with multiple improvements

BigBlueButton 2.7 released with multiple improvements

BigBlueButton 2.7 released with multiple improvements
BigBlueButton 2.7 released with multiple improvements

BigBlueButton 2.7 version is released with multiple improvements and added support for extra locales and other improvements. The open source web-conferencing solution is used by many universities, corporates to deliver effective online classes.

The BigBlueButton 2.7 version fixes a CSS bug that sometimes prevented interaction with the create breakout dialog. In addition, it also includes lots of miscellaneous fixes to media handling.

BigBlueButton 2.7 offers users improved usability, increased engagement, and more performance.

  • Usability – making common functions (such as raise hand) easier
  • Engagement – giving the instructor more ways to engage students
  • Performance – increasing overall performance and scalability

Here is the list of all new features and improvements included in BigBlueButton 2.7 version.

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